Monday, August 1, 2011

Chocolate Pudding

Shocking is the day when Matt comes home with a bunch of avocados, and even more shocking is the fact that he intends to eat them. Avocados are definitely not an appealing food to him, they smell funny, they aren't pleasant tasting, etc. I on the other hand love avocados and would eat them all the time in a number of ways. The other night I made some chocolate pudding in the blender for our dessert. I knew Matt didn't like avocado, but I figured the taste would be masked enough by chocolate, and sure enough he was hooked. As a result there has been a lot of pudding consumption going on. Please note that this is the only way Matt will ever eat avocado.

Healthy Chocolate Pudding
serves 1-2

1 avocado
1 banana (2 if your bananas are small)
a couple spoonfuls to 1/8 cup cocoa powder or more or less if desired
4-5 dates, soaked in warm water for 1/2 hour or more, seeds removed
(alternatively use maple syrup to sweeten)**
non dairy milk of choice or water

Toss the avocado and banana into the blender along with the soaked dates (or maple syrup) and cocoa powder. Add just enough liquid for blending, being careful to not make the pudding to runny. Blend until smooth. Top with fresh fruit of your choice and enjoy!

**I have only used dates to sweeten the pudding once. My blending did not blend them smooth, so we had chunks of date in that pudding. Maple syrup ensures that your pudding is silky smooth.

Try pouring some pudding into popsicle molds. It makes a delicious pudding pop!

Here is a 22 week belly bump picture (I am now 24 weeks). Our little girl is growing like crazy and we are starting to be able to see her move when we look at my stomach. Tonight we were playing music for her to see if she would dance. She moved around a bit, but when we played her Feed the Birds from Mary Poppins she was totally still. Perhaps it should go on her "Go to Sleep" mix.

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