Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cleaning Day

Today was a cleaning day. A deep cleaning day. I spent 3 hours
dusting my living room (perhaps an over exageration, but it was a while).

Lately I've been feeling lackluster about our tiny 3 room (plus a closet sized bathroom) apartment. It's a charming little place, and I am thankful for it. I need to be more thankful though. So I cleaned, I straightend, I renewed my appreciation for this little place.

It may still be a little low on the spacious side, and I have a few more rooms to go, but
I realize that I need to make the most of where I am now instead of wasting my life
wishing for better days.

I really do love this little place, it's been good to us.


  1. :) :) your apartment is BEAUTIFUL! i get ridiculously inspired every time i come visit!! which reminds me--we should totally plan to hang out soon!!!

  2. We totally should! I guess we will see you in Maryland next :).
