Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Holiday Creating

After my long Holiday hiatus, I am back to posting. The busyness of this time of year has kept me away from the computer, and instead, I've been stuck to my sewing machine, riding for hours in a car, and celebrating Christmas with the family.

Sadly, baking and cooking were bottom barrel and this post depicts the one batch of cookies I took the time to create. No recipe this time, as I am still working out the kinks. I was attempting a sort of raw sugar cookie, but it turned out to be a bit harder than desired and needed a bit more of something. But all in all, I was pretty happy with the experiment.

Here is a little picture show depicting the process. Enjoy!

Hope you all had a very merry Christmas! The New Year is just around the corner and we are planning to lay low and just relax as Matt and I have 3 days off together. Perhaps we will cook up a New Years Day feast and invite friends over. What are your plans?

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