Saturday, September 17, 2011

Healthy Smoothie

Before I was pregnant, I would have a daily green smoothie. I still keep up those, but now I most often have another smoothie at some point during the day. Sometimes it's a more decadent peanut butter banana, and other times it is a chia seed and berry smoothie. Most often I go for a chia seed one for it's added nutritional benefits. Chia seeds are a complete protein and contain essential omega 3's. Oh so good for baby.

To make this smoothie, soak 1 Tablespoon of chia seeds in a bit over 1/4 cup of water for 10 minutes. Stir them a couple times during the soaking process just to get all the seeds immersed and to avoid clumping. Like flax seeds, chia seeds get thick and gel like when soaked in a liquid.

After your soak time, combine a handful of strawberries and a handful of frozen mango. Really any fruit will do in this smoothie. Frozen berries are great for a quick and deliciously cold smoothie. Toss in the soaked seeds and water as well.

Add one cup of orange juice and blend until smooth.

So good!

Here is a belly picture to leave you with. This is at 30 weeks. I hit 31 weeks today. Only 9 weeks left. I can't believe it!


  1. Never heard of chia seeds. Looks interesting! You look super cute, btw!! When's your due date again?

  2. I echo Jen's comment - I add flax seeds all the time into my smoothies, never heard of chia but they sound uber healthy so woohoo!

  3. Thanks! I'm due November 19th.

    Em, I've had flax seeds in my smoothies before as well, but I always ground them up first and it made my smoothies super thick. With the Chia seeds, apparently you do not have to grind them to reap the benefits (which I have been taught that you should with flax seeds), so the smoothies are much lighter.
