Friday, March 4, 2011

Juice Fest

This week has been a good week. Fifteen pounds of carrots and 2 bags of apples were juiced in the course of 5 days. Call us crazy, or call us addicted. It was great, even more so, because I didn't make any of it until I pushed a couple kale leaves down the shoot.

Matt decided he wanted to juice for lunches instead of his usual bread fest. He said that he felt a lot lighter this week and really liked it. His preferred combination is 1 apple for every 3 very large carrots, along with roughly a teaspoon sized chunk of fresh ginger, and one orange. Double that for a very large glass of juice, minus the ginger or it will get a bit strong.

This was our last helping.

So refreshing!

I added 4 kale leaves to my glass making it an unappetizing muddy color, but it still tasted good.

On a drastically unhealthier note, I was so excited to see these vegan candy bars at the local

Matt and I split the candy bar and were immediately on a sugar buzz. I have not had
a candy bar in so long. I can't believe I used to be able to put away a whole one.
But then again I can believe it as this one was amazing. I'm looking forward to trying the other 2 flavors offered.

Hope you all are having an enjoyable weekend!

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